Meghna tagged me a grip ago! I have to respond according to the blog etiquette rules. So in reply to said tag here are 8 weird/random things about me --
UN: I talk to myself. I’d rather refer to it as thinking out loud. : P sometimes in order to process my thoughts I have to say them out loud. This means a lot of self-reflective conversations. Some of my close friends have even caught me in the act! Lol
DEUX: I am a little bit obsessive compulsive about lines and symmetry. I will therefore, go about adjusting people's clothing, pictures and public signs until they are perfectly aligned.TROIS: Back in childhood days, I used to fantasize myself as one of the main characters of the Jules Verne science fiction novels and used to enact alike when alone or interpret situation in daily walk of life. Ditto for the Sherlock Holmes series. Here I was the pretty girl in distress; P
Whoever reads this post may consider himself, herself tagged! There you go!