From classical Gone with the Wind to filmy Veer Zaara to unearthly Wall E to creepy Corpse Bride -LOVE is one common theme among these movies and numerous others that have raked in cash at cinema counters. Every thing is rose tinted during and at the end of two and half hr ON 70 mm screen but what about in real life? Do we understand love? How does it manifests itself? How long can it last or how quickly can it happen... these questions left me wondering some weeks backs.. and it all started with an email.
Now I don't want to write a diary here.. but just want to share a thought on this feeling called love or something which feels like that.
After a certain age we are cognizant about our emotional quotient and what we feel for people around us. We 'love' our friends, family and pets. Some people 'love' their gadgets, their designer shoes and clothes, some jewellery. Some 'love' to indulge in certain kinds of activities or sports and some people just 'love' certain kind of food/cuisine. Are we loosely using the term 'love' here or has it become a colloquial term for something we cherish in life or feel possessive about. Both notions sound equally convincing.
But why does this term changes nature when it comes to choosing a partner?? I've observed two categories of people in this. In the first case, love causes all rationality to go for a toss, love becomes selfish, adamant, dependent and insecure. And in another case, it brings perspective to a person's life, makes his/her goals clearer and bring stability to life. So why are there two bipolar sides of a singular emotion? Can we predict what category of love will we fall into when we meet our 'THE' guy/gal? I've come to my own conclusion on this.
Love is an emotion which comes naturally to all mammals, humans and primates included. (No, this is not the conclusion!) But human brain allows the circumstances and realities around itself to get filtered and we register only those which we want to retain. It is a matter of choice. The kind of choices we make depends a lot on our experience, mental state of well being and our upbringing. Our choices help us to make a decision.
The more number of positive thoughts and outlook towards another person will keep the mind sane and put you in the second category of amorous relationship. Over a period of mind, this will
breed mutual trust. However, if inspite of this things go awry, perhaps that would be your tryst with destiny..but atleast you wouldn't feel emotionally crippled at the end of it.
Personally, I believe in fantasies and 'love' to retain some element of them in my real life. So i'll reiterate what J.K Rowling said- 'It's not our abilities that make us the kind of person that we are. It's our choices!'